The Tai Chi Skill of "Dang" -- a Rounded Crotch

There are a lot of things to think about when you do internal movement.
One of my teachers said that when you are first learning, you can be paralyzed by well over a dozen principles of structure and movement that you are trying to achieve in each movement.
Chen Xiaowang says, "If Taiji were easy, everyone be master."
It is NOT easy, which is why, after a lot of hard work, it is satisfying when you enter a room full of Taiji people and you realize that you understand internal movement at a different level.
The other night, a student looked at me funny when I said, "I want to talk about your Dang."
It's pronounced "Dahng."
Yes, we both laughed.
So I clarified.
"I want to talk about your groin."
That did not help the situation, but you probably know by now that laughter is an important part of my practices.
So I explained.
The term "Dang" is the shape of the legs when you are in a stance. When you look at the...
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