The students filed in on the first day of my first class. I spent a LOT of time working on an entertaining and informative PowerPoint and lecture.
A couple of students looked at me, smiled and said hello as they found a seat. Most of them walked in without acknowledging me, found a seat, and began staring at the computer screen that they each had on their desk. There was no attempt to engage by most of the students.
I have always enjoyed kids, and young people, and have always found ways of making them laugh and have fun.
But a college setting was different.
It was fascinating,...
There is a popular saying that is very true -- "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
This means you can coast along, expecting good things to happen, but if you don't set serious goals and take the steps to meet those goals, then you get the same thing you have always gotten when you put no effort into it.
Nothing. Unless you are lucky, and most of us are not lucky very often.
2018 will come to a close in just three weeks. It is a great time to begin setting your goals for 2019.
I'm not talking about New Year's Resolutions, I'm talking about serious goals for your internal arts development.
It is very easy to talk about training in Tai Chi, Xingyi or Bagua. It is very easy to watch some YouTube videos and practice some moves.
It's a very different thing, and a lot more difficult, to actually build skill. It takes a step-by-step approach and it requires an instructor -- a coach -- to guide you and give you feedback and corrections.
Here are some goals you can reach through...
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