I was testing for my black sash in 1997. Part of the test involved sparring with wooden broadswords.
I stood a few feet away from the black sash instructor who was testing me, Cornell Garrett. I was in the front on guard stance. The tip of my broadsword was pointing toward his throat. He was standing in the same stance.
"Okay," I thought to myself. "Calm down. Center yourself. And connect with him."
I felt a sense of calm come over me and it felt like I knew exactly when he was going to move.
Suddenly, his sword began moving to attack me.
Before it could get halfway to me, the tip of my broadsword was touching his chest at the heart.
I had never felt so connected. I had learned a very valuable skill.
My first internal arts teacher was Phillip Starr, who was also Cornell's teacher. You can find Pete's books on Amazon. He had not written any books when I was his student beginning in 1987. I earned a black sash but then began studying...